Radical Remission

10 common healing factors

For over a century cancer treatment has made only moderate advancements in cancer outcomes and quality of life. This course will endeavour to not only help improve your quality of life the factors are scientifically proven to boost your immune system.

Today two people can have the exact same type of cancer but two completely different reasons for getting it. That is because everything about those two people is different. Their genetics, hormone balance, immune function, what they are exposed to, how they handle stress and what they eat... Yet in a protocol driven approach, their cancer treatment is the same and simple lifestyle factors remain unaddressed.

Through thorough research conducted in 10 different countries with over 1,500 cases of radical remission analysed, and treatments conducted in US and European countries addressing metabolic health:
- Ultimately improving the quality of life
- Reducing mortality rates.

Who Is It For? Those who wish to help prevent or overcome cancer or another health challenge, as well as those who support friends or family with a health challenge are welcome. Health-care professionals will also learn valuable tools they can share with their patients.

These shouldn't be 'secrets', spontanious remissions otherwise going unnoticed by your medical practitioners. Natalie will share the research and support you with the tools you can use to be more connected to the world around you as well as have connection to others living this life and thriving with cancer.

If you can relate to any of this, then this workshop series is for you.

I will help you to find some or all of your old self. Connect with you and you with people who understand where you are at.

Hi, I'm Natalie!

This program is lead by Natalie - a stage 4 cancer survivor who was a psychologist for many years and now as a Clinical Counsellor and health coach, she passionately helps her peers love the life they have and can relate to many of the challenges we have all faced.

Natalie has been living with metastatic cancer for over 5 years and was unwilling to submit to her terminal diagnosis so simply. She has constantly researched and learned and studied the secrets to a happy life.

The greater research is clear that by overcoming hopelessness/helplessness and making lifestyle choices we can live longer and happier lives than our prognosis suggests.

The Inclusions


5 x 2 Hour Live Workshop Sessions

Over five weeks, beginning on March 26th at 6.00pm AEDT, in a 2 hour session each week, Natalie leads this hands-on workshop, with worksheets provided weekly. From Natalie, a Certified Radical RemissionTM Instructor, you will learn how lifestyle choices such as diet change, stress reduction, and meditation can boost your immune system in scientifically proven ways. These healing factors can be used safely in conjunction with conventional medicine to help reduce side effects and improve immune function.  


Weekly Worksheets

You will receive worksheets each week to complement your live workshop sessions. These worksheets will be distributed 24 hours prior to the session and will support your learning and help you to implement everything Natalie teaches. 


What will I learn?

Through lecture, group exercises, and partner work, you will learn how to:
●      Feel more empowered with your health

●      Strengthen your immune system by changing your diet

●      Identify your strongest reasons for living

●      Access and strengthen your intuition

●      Release suppressed emotions from the past

●      Increase positive emotions

●      Research supplements to discuss with your doctor

●      Accept love and support from others

●      Develop a daily meditation practice

●      Incorporate gentle exercise/movement into your daily routine You will leave with 1-, 6-, and 12-month action plans you can start implementing right away.

What to Expect

Each week we will address, discuss and make a plan together on two core areas that are thoroughly researched and published. Natalie will share the science, that has improved the lives of people who have been given a terminal diagnosis of cancer.

Join today $397

This is 10 hours of learning and support, face to face live online with connection, understanding and groupwork. Don't miss out and join today.

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